This is a 3 day event from March 24-26th, times will be released when announced by DANG
“Our goal is to curate a three day event that asserts the por of Her within street dance: by spotlighting various women of different creative backgrounds to deliver inspiration, perspective and knowledge through a series of presentations.”
Why Her Power?
Her Power is a response to the lack of support for women in our Sacramento street dance community. Our team came together to produce a three-day experience to empower and elevate the represention of women in our cultrure. to reiterate their vallue and contribution.
Our Goal
Our goal is to inspite the young community of dancers and creatives by highlighting the stories and experiences of women in our community. We aim to pave the way for all young peoploe to feel validated and supported in their creative endavors- with speical attention to the inequalities and obstacles they may face.
In 2019, when we launched this event, we brought out talent from Japan, Germany, Toronto, LA, Las Vegas, The Bay and more- to share their sotires and experiences in the industiry, providing insight and knowledhe to the young participants. The majority of attendees are between the ages of 16-25 years old. We understand that these are the pivotal years of figuring out how to approach freams and ambitions & that is why we curate this event and bring out such valuable talent(s) so that our young community can learn from talented and insightful creatives that they usually wouldnt have access to. Ultimately we want to inspire, empower and equip our young people.